What Does it Mean to Spend Time with God?

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When I went on my first date with my husband we sat across from each other and shared stories of our past and discussed our lives at the time. We talked about our families, our jobs, our hobbies and our interests. We laughed over funny anecdotes and listened intently to each other.

Our next few dates were much the same. More than sharing our stories, we really enjoyed being together. We watched movies together, ate meals together and read together. We enjoyed being together, and sometimes we didn’t say anything but rather relished in just being in each other’s company.

This reminded me of my relationship with God. When I first gave my heart to Jesus, I was excited and enthusiastic to learn all I could about Him. I read books, attended Bible studies, prayed, talked to others, watched Christian television programs and listened to Christian radio stations.

Like a sponge, I soaked in all I could to learn about God and His attributes. My enthusiasm and excitement has since been replaced with a burning desire. I continue to learn about Him and especially enjoy when something new is revealed to me.

Through my studies, I have come to discover that God desires a personal relationship with me similar to other relationships in my life. And one thing that He desires is to spend time with me. I knew this but I assumed that my time with Him should be spent in study and learning about Him.

Just like I would not spend all my hours with my husband asking him questions, studying his old photos and family tree and learning about him, God wants me to spend time with Him in His presence. Not thinking about what He can do for me or give me, but just being with Him. Quiet time together. Just enjoying meditating with God.

I challenged myself to sit still and enjoy God’s presence for 30 minutes. It was difficult, as I had to discipline my mind from wandering and thinking about what to have for supper. Instead I focused on God’s attributes. I spent the half hour thinking about God as if He were in the room with me; because He was. I spent the time “hanging out “ with my best friend. I enjoyed being with God for who He is. I challenge you to do the same.

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord (Psalm 104:34 NIV).


Challenge yourself to sit still and enjoy God’s presence for 30 minutes. (tweet this)


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