After the holidays, I tentatively stepped on the bathroom scale to get an idea of the inevitable damage of two weeks of indulging in daily glasses of eggnog, late-night raids on the fridge’s leftovers, and regular sweet tooth gifts of chocolates, homemade cookies, and plates of sugary squares.
I was not surprised to find I had gained seven pounds. I had let go and ate and drank anything presented to me regardless of my former, healthier choices.
In the wake of such irresponsible behaviour, I must now set out a plan to get back on track and focus daily on what I am putting into my body.
In doing so, I’ve decided to consciously focus on what I can have as healthy choices instead of thinking about what I cannot (or should not) eat.
In the past, I’d put my foot down and tell myself I can not eat candies, cookies, baked goods, etc. I would remind myself that when faced with an offer of a chocolate bar or cupcake I will just say “no”. I focused my efforts on what I should not be eating and filled my mind with what was not healthy for me.
However, I was reading the book of Genesis in my Life Application Study Bible about the story of Eve and the temptation that Satan had put before her. It stated, “Satan made Eve forget all that God had given her and instead, focus on what God had forbidden. We fall into trouble too, when we dwell on what God forbids rather than on the countless blessings and promises God has given us. The next time you are feeling sorry for yourself and what you don’t have consider all you do have and thank God.”
This is exactly what I plan to do! I want to focus on the delicious and nutritious foods I can have instead of thinking about what I’m missing and craving. I know that God will honour me for thanking Him for His gifts of healthy food and dwelling on what He has blessed me with.
What are you focused on?
BEEP – Believing that exercise is to the body what prayer is to the spirit and healthy eating is to the body what bible study is to the spirit.