Trees in the Bible
Learn About Trees While Exploring God’s Word
Do you want to teach children about trees while encouraging faith in the Creator God? Discover trees found in scripture along with their Bible stories.
Are you looking to inspire curiosity in children about trees and the Bible? Do you want to direct youngsters to the Bible to learn about science? Have you ever wanted to open your kids’ eyes to God’s awesome design all around them? Kimberley Payne aligns God’s word with God’s creation in this collection of trees mentioned in the Bible.
Trees in the Bible looks at 17 trees that are found in the Good Book. Each of the chapters includes a Bible story told from the viewpoint of the tree, and fast facts to help identify the specific tree. Challenging questions support each story. By reading this book you’ll learn educational and inspirational facts about nature.
In Trees in the Bible you’ll discover:
- Interesting facts for identifying trees
- Project suggestions and glossary
- Scriptural accounts where the tree is mentioned
- A unique perspective on the importance of each tree
- Black and white line drawings of each tree
Trees in the Bible is a thematic and useful resource that integrates faith, science, language and art.
If you like a fun and unique way to learn about God’s creation you’ll love this book combining tree studies with Bible teachings. Buy Trees in the Bible to inspire children to dig into their Bible to learn more today!
It’s ideal for 7-12-year-olds, for home or school use and classroom sharing in grades 2/3 to supplement the Life Sciences Curriculum on Plant Life.
A Glimpse Inside
Click here to watch a short Youtube video about the book
Click here to watch short Youtube videos of my granddaughter discovering trees from the book
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Customer Reviews
A wonderful book filled with Scripture, Bible stories, reflection questions and thoughts, facts about trees, and much more. This is a great book for Sunday School classes. I learned facts about trees. A glossary of terms and names and suggested activities are provided. This book is a perfect gift.
What Role do Trees Play in the Bible?
by Mary Hosmar
It is evident Kimberley Payne has put a lot of research into this work. There are a lot of interesting facts about various trees mentioned in the Bible and by having each tree tell its own story, we get a unique perspective on the importance of each tree mentioned.
I am not sure which age Payne aimed her book at, but the language seems to suggest 8 to 10 year olds. It might be best read as a read-aloud or read-together book with an older reading partner.
There are many interesting facts about each tree mentioned, not only about how it is used in the Bible but also about its everyday existence. It does try to live up to its subtitle “learn about trees while exploring God’s world”. The descriptions are great for those who are auditory learners but a picture or drawing of each would have enhanced the book, especially for visual learners. Of course, older children can be encouraged to research and find their own pictures of the trees.
The ‘exploring God’s world’ part comes alive in the many suggested activities at the end of each section as well as the project suggestions at the end of the book. Readers are also encouraged to find out more about each story and given the locations to read and learn more. The glossary at the back is helpful and the electronic (kindle) version has WordWise enabled so children can find the meaning of the words they may not know.
This is a book that many children who are interested in nature would enjoy.
I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Great Learning Resource for Children
by Leona J. Atkinson
I have always loved trees and when I was young my dad and I used to take walks in the country where he would point out the different trees and teach me about them. So, I really enjoyed reading this book about the Trees in the Bible.
Though it is written for children, it has many interesting facts that adults will learn and enjoy.
I liked how each page contained the tree’s name, a scripture reference, and then how the tree talked about itself. This is something I think will hold a child’s attention. Then the next page contains questions and facts about the tree.
It seemed to be a very well thought out and researched book and I think it will appeal to children as well as adults.
My only disappointment was that there was not a picture of each tree included on each page. I think a small illustration of the tree on each page would have greatly enhanced the book.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
By Tiffany Wood
After reading Kimberley’s book Animals in the Bible, I stumbled across Trees in the Bible! My son and I found it really fun that it was written from a tree’s point of view. The fast facts for identifying trees was awesome. When we go for hikes or walks I love to see if he can remember and he does! We also loved the project suggestions at the end. We made lists of things we could do to save and protect the forest and also drew a lot of trees! Your child would love this book. It is fun, lots of facts and interesting stories that they will remember for school!
By Matthew D. Lorentzen
What can I say about this biblically themed book? A lot, actually. First, whoever thought of teaching in this way, that is directing youngsters to the Bible to learn about science, is a genius. I’m guessing it was the writer herself. Whether you look to the good book for direction in your life, or not, you will surely appreciate this detailed study of trees that were either ed on, or had a more notable role in events or illustrations found in scripture.
Kimberly Payne is an author as well as a motivational speaker and that shows here, as this isn’t just factual material, but it really has a heart that can inspire the reader to take a closer look at their surroundings and think deeply beyond what they see on the surface.
Fun Resource
By Deb Elkink
I homeschooled our three kids for fifteen years, and Trees in the Bible is the type of thematic resource I’d have reached for. I particularly like the project suggestions, which are open ended and–even now, so many years after my kids have grown and gone–get my creative juices flowing! Kimberley’s approach, using the Bible as the basis for her study, suggests exciting possibilities for future themes in her “Science and Faith Matters” series, and I look forward to seeing her next publication.
Highly recommended family fun and learning
By Lisa J. Lickel
Kimberley Payne shares information and activities from biblical accounts, from the oaks of Genesis to cedars and palms, and the mustard tree, to the less common fig, sycamore, and brooms.
Told in a fanciful first-person style as though the tree is telling its own story, Payne gives both the biblical passage where mention of the tree is made, and questions related to it. For example, the first story about the oak involves using the tree as a landmark. At the camp Abram set up near these mighty oaks, God made a special promise. Payne asks her readers to think about promises.
Following these passages and questions, Payne gives the scientific description of the species, including growth pattern, names, and other details.
It’s hard to mix science and faith for many. In this book, readers don’t have to even enter a debate. God’s creation is wonderful and varied and awesome. Payne ends with a great glossary and a fun list of further activities.
Highly recommended for fun and learning, Sunday School, family activities.
Unique & Engaging
By Glynis Belec
Kimberley Payne’s Trees in the Bible for 7-9 year olds is a treasure. I was excited with anticipation as I cracked open the book and I was not disappointed.
The format of each chapter is consistent and clear in content. Kimberley’s writing cleverly appeals to the ripe imaginations of her specified age group by telling the story from the point of view of the tree. I can almost hear the mighty oak announcing, “I am a symbol of strength and endurance!”
The challenges and questions make great discussion sparkers. I can see Trees in the Bible easily being used in Sunday School and, with some creativity, this could make a great VBS summer program or a good adjunct to home school science lesson plans.
I especially appreciate the Fast Facts section in each chapter. It makes me realize how much there is to learn about trees.
Kimberley Payne is on to something here. I am glad to read the Trees in the Bible is number one in her Science and Faith Matters Series. That means there is more to come!
Great Bible Study and Activity Book-Fun and Informative
By Deborah H. Bateman
Trees in the Bible is a very cute book. I like the way the author included activities for each lesson along with questions for the children to consider. It also includes facts about the different trees so while the child is learning Bible stories they also are learning science facts about the different trees involved in the stories. I am sure my grandchildren will love this book.
Beautiful book, jam packed with information
By the howells
Trees in the Bible is a creative way to explore the world God has created. It provides a great way to learn the Bible in such a fun way that your child may not even know they are “learning.” The facts are introduced in a fun Bible story from the perspective of the tree and then summarized in list form, making it easy to digest and retain. It is a great resource for home schooling, particularly for a student that is burnt out on their current science or Bible curriculum. It can be used as a short, informative break from your curriculum and the student will thoroughly enjoy it. My nine year old son enjoyed it.
By Susan David
Trees in the Bible is a fun read as well as informing. The trees narrate each page for the reader. I’ve never really thought much about how significant the trees in the Bible truly are until this book. One can know that God created trees for our food, our shade, our privacy and the beauty of them, but this author explains much more. God has a purpose in using trees to help us understand ourselves and our purpose better. I have to give this author credit for in this book she illustrates the deep thought God put into his creation of trees and she explains how we are blessed the more because of the many ways trees provide for us. The reader also receives a thought-provoking activity on each page to help increase understanding, not only of trees but of famous people of the Bible. I recommend parents get this book for a gift for their child.
This book was sent to me as a gift for review
Hours of Fun-Learning for Sunday Schools and Home Schools
By Joyce Li
Psalm 1 describes the blessed person is “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruits in season.” Trees are symbols of prosperity. Trees in the Bible brings blessings and fun-learning to readers. This delightful resource not only offers a fun way to impart knowledge about the types of trees, it guides readers to reflect on their own life experiences and connects them with Bible truths. What a creative way to promote learning and studying the Bible.
Great Learning Experience!
A Kid’s Review
I did not know one could learn so much just from the Trees in the Bible! The author has done a great job in bringing the riches of the word of GOD to us in a very interesting and thought provoking manner that I believe children and adults will find useful.
I particularly like Trees in the Bible because it combines storytelling and learning in a way that will take people back to reading the Bible. Equally; it is unique and educative enough to be used at school.
I truly believe that parents too will learn from this book!
I recommend it!
Great Book for Homeschooling and More!
By Laura Davis
Trees in the Bible is the first book in the Science and Faith Matters series, by author Kimberley Payne. It is a delightful look at the trees of the Bible, their purpose, and what we can learn from them.
Payne has created a unique balance between science and faith. Each of the chapters includes a bible story from the viewpoint of the tree. Accompanying the story are “science facts” helping children to pinpoint a certain tree by its characteristics. This is an excellent tool for homeschoolers as you could take your children out to the park with this book in hand and have them see what trees they can spot through the pages of this book.
Along with science facts, there are questions for discussion and Bible verses. It is perfect for homeschoolers looking to mix science and faith together.
An excellent book that is sure to delight your children. I give Trees in the Bible 5/5 stars!
By Brenda Wood
Kimberley Payne’s delightful book Trees in the Bible will tickle your senses in every way. The information is stellar. I understand that the book is for children but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Younger children will best benefit from a parent’s guidance as they work their way through some of the activities. I advise you to treat yourself and your family to Trees in the Bible.
By Jan Cox
Kimberley awakens children (and adults) to the immense knowledge that can be found in the Bible. In this book Kimberley focusses on some of the trees found in Scripture. She tells short stories related to the “tree Scripture”; asks questions; gives a few interesting (and to me unknown) facts and gives various activities to review the information.
I found, even as an adult, that I learned much from this little book.
It would be perfect for homeschoolers; Christian Schools and Sunday Schools.
Bravo Kimberley for a great resource.
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