My Journey to the Holy Land

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A Devotional Photo Journal

My Journey to the Holy Land
A Devotional Photo Journal

Do you want to visit Israel? Discover these devotions with photos that can enhance your experience of traveling to the Holy Land.

Are you planning on taking a trip to Israel? Do you have the desire to be reminded of your own time in the promised land? Are you seeking encouragement, a boost in your faith, and belief in Jesus Christ? Kimberley Payne is a talented photographer who describes the places she visited to stir your imagination on events written in the Bible.

My Journey to the Holy Land
 is a brief travelogue of the Holy Land taken during Kimberley’s 10-day trip to Israel. She shares word pictures of the sites of Christianity’s place of birth and how this land stirred her heart.

By reading these reflections you’ll feel more connected with your faith and renewed in your understanding of the Bible.
In My Journey to the Holy Land you’ll discover:

  • An emotional treasure of personal reflections on how this land can impact one’s life
  • Clear and vibrant photographs that show the stunning landscape of the country
  • Down-to-earth and easy-to-read collection of personal anecdotes
  • Thought-provoking devotionals from Dan to the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea
  • Insights into scripture and the places that Jesus walked

My Journey to the Holy Land is more than a photo journal. It’s beautiful with honest reflective insights for those thinking of going to the Holy Land and those who’ve already been.

If you like brief travelogues that encourage and reaffirm your faith then you’ll love this devotional. Buy My Journey to the Holy Land to gain a sense of how exciting a trip to the Holy Land is today!

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Customer Reviews

By Glen Sye
I had the pleasure to be on the same Israel journey with Kimberley and her mom. There is so much to see and ponder, and we all experience it in a slightly different way. Her photographs and thoughts in this devotional capture the trip very well. It blends in very nicely with my own experience.

By Pamela Calverley
I had the pleasure of accompanying Kimberley and her mother on this Christian journey. She is a very talented photographer with a unique perspective of the scenery. Reading through the itinerary summary made me feel like I was back in Israel again. It truly was a trip of a lifetime and reading this devotional reaffirmed my faith and belief in Jesus Christ.

By Brenda Wood
Kimberley Payne’s little book- A Taste of the Holy Land is exactly that… A lovely taste that leaves you hungry for more. As one who has visited the Holy Land, I appreciated her devotional comments and the clear, vibrant pictures.
Kimberley included the story of her mother’s healing from the fear of heights. That meant a lot to me because I too struggled with the trip to the top of Masada. I liked this book and I think you will too. Kimberley even included a Youtube site where you can go to view more pictures.

By Alan Anderson
This is an interesting account of the author and her mother’s trip to the Holy Land and the personal nature of the title reveals how this journey captured her soul.  It is full of not only word pictures of the sites of Israel and Palestine but how this land stirred her heart.  The devotional thoughts are worthy of the reader’s pondering and allowing them to penetrate one’s mind and heart as well.  The story is written in such a way as if the author just cannot wait to let readers know what lessons of life such a trip can leave one with.  Kimberley’s enthusiasm runs throughout the book and the reader wants to learn more and more of what experience each day brought for her to share with her audience.

An unexpected twist for this reviewer while reading this little book came when the author revealed her mother’s fear of heights so overwhelmed her for most of her life.  This very real fear so gripped this lady that she decided not to take the part of the tour that included the gondola ride to plateau where Masada is situated.  The real twist came however in how much changed for her by the time the journey was coming to an end.  God may indeed intervene with His healing in the most wonderful ways.

Readers would be wise to not overlook this little book.  While it may be considered as a brief travelogue of the Holy Land it is also an emotional treasure of personal reflections of how this land can impact one’s life.  If readers know of anyone planning on taking a trip to the Holy Land then make sure to give them a copy of Kimberley Payne’s My Journey to the Holy Land.  It is a great preview to help their excitement mount as to what lies ahead.

By Mary Hosmar
I eagerly anticipated reading this photo journal. Would it remind me of my time in Israel? Would I recognize the thoughts Kimberley would describe?

The photos and descriptions of the places visited did, indeed, remind me of my own journey to the Holy Land. Some of the thoughts Kimberly described echoed my thoughts.

The photos in the journal show the stunning landscape of the country. They draw one into the written pages.

The first devotional, How is God Like a Cafeteria Tray, was though-provoking and insightful – a foretaste of what was to come. The other devotionals showed the same attributes.

The devotional entitled The Bible as a History Book is an example of how the Bible fits history. Kimberley alludes to King Jeroboam building and placing the two golden calves and setting them up in Bethel and Dan. The archeological dig in Dan showed evidence of a large altar and worship centre and added weight to her point of God being a God of history.

All in all, I found this to be an interesting work. While not intended as an in-depth devotional, Kimberley does provoke thought with her musings.

Although it seems to be geared for younger Christians anyone can enjoy the photos and commentaries. They give one a bit of a sense of how exciting a trip to the Holy Land is.

Your book of your Journey to the Holy Land is amazing. Your photography is so talented. Your journey makes me want to walk your journey and experience our Lord in a whole new way.

Congratulations on the successful book.

By Maria B.
This is a delightful book that shares a heartwarming personal view of the land of Israel. It renews memories for those that have been there and moves those who have not to seriously consider the experience for themselves. The pictures and accompanying stories are worth the read.

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