Musical Instruments in the Bible

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Musical Instruments in the Bible book cover

Musical Instruments in the Bible
Learn About Musical Instruments While Exploring God’s Word

Do you want to teach children about music while encouraging faith in the Creator God? Discover musical instruments found in scripture along with their Bible stories.

Are you looking to inspire curiosity in children about music and the Bible? Do you want to direct youngsters to the Bible to learn about musical instruments? Kimberley Payne aligns God’s word with God’s creation in this collection of musical instruments mentioned in the Bible.

Musical Instruments in the Bible looks at 10 musical instruments found in the Good Book. Each page contains a scripture reference, commentary on the verse, and facts about the instrument. By reading this book you’ll learn educational and inspirational facts about the Bible. Challenging questions support each story.

In Musical Instruments in the Bible, you’ll discover:

  • Descriptions, how to play, and the sound each instrument makes
  • Project suggestions, people of the Bible, and glossary
  • A brief explanation of the scriptural account where the instrument is mentioned
  • Educational introduction to simple instrument groups
  • Black and white line drawings of each instrument

Musical Instruments in the Bible is a thematic and useful resource that integrates faith and music.

If you like a fun and unique way to learn about the Bible you’ll love this book combining musical studies with Bible teachings. It’s ideal for 10-12-year-olds, for home or school use, and classroom sharing to supplement the Music Curriculum.

Buy Musical Instruments in the Bible to inspire children to dig into their Bible to learn more today!

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Customer Reviews

Clear, Easy to Follow, Interesting
by Janis Cox
Children will love learning the instruments of the Bible from this book. Clearly laid out. Teachers and parents will enjoy reading and learning with their children.

by Heather Knechtel
Kimberley Payne’s latest work, “Musical Instruments in the Bible — Learn About Musical Instruments While Exploring God’s Word,” is a charming and informative read for older children. Great care is taken to include many musical instruments mentioned in the Bible, with backgrounds on their biblical, cultural, and aesthetic relevance. There is an engaging “question period,” so to speak, in each section, which invites young readers both to consider events from the biblical texts, and to apply biblical principles to everyday life. I highly recommend Payne’s volume to children and parents alike. 5 out of 5 stars.

A Good Book for Teaching Children
by L C
Along with suggestions for activities, this book would make a delightful addition to any children’s library, Sunday School and homeschooling curriculum. It’s a lovely book for helping children understand the musical instruments mentioned in the Bible and the different reasons for their use. Kimberley gives comprehensive descriptions and scriptural references for each instrument and shows how they were used to express faith.

Great resource!
by J. Alexander
This is a great resource for Sunday Schools, homeschoolers – children and adults alike. I can tell the author put a lot of work into it the research and you’ll learn things you didn’t know before about the role of music in the Bible.

by Susan E. Henson
The book is very informative, and I appreciate the glossaries as well as the pictures and descriptions throughout. My Bible reading will be enhanced with my knowledge of what these instruments are as I will have a more accurate image in my mind!

by Linda Klager
I enjoyed the book tremendously. You did a lot of research for this book.  Each instrument was explained by category and with shapes and use of the instruments.  It also helped to have illustrations of the instruments included.  I liked that you added Bible verses and proper names of those in the Bible who worshiped the Lord.

by Jane Mouttet
It is obvious that Kimberley Payne has done extensive research into the topic of music in the Bible. Musical Instruments in the Bible would be a great resource for elementary and middle school music teachers as well as for a homeschool curriculum. Payne describes the different musical instruments found in the Bible and how they were used. She also includes a glossary at the end of the book that gives Scripture references for where the instruments can be found in the Bible. She does include a small illustration of each instrument but the book would be more appealing to children with more illustrations – maybe of people using the instruments.

I appreciated all the “extra” information at the end of the book – glossary of terms, people of the Bible, Scripture references, and projects. This information makes the book even more useful as a reference book.

Musical Instruments in the Bible: Learning About Musical Instruments While Exploring God’s Word could find a place in the reference (nonfiction) section of a K-12 Christian school library. It is appropriate for older elementary and middle school students.

I received a complimentary copy of Musical Instruments in the Bible. This is my honest review.

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