A Catalyst to Launch you into a Daily Spiritual & Physical Health Routine
Do you need a little push to get into a routine of making healthy choices? Discover this book that can help you make positive lifestyle changes and reach your goals.
Are you looking for motivation to eat right and exercise but don’t have a lot of time to spend? Do you want to memorize scripture verses and grow deeper in your prayer life? Have you backslidden in your healthy habits? Kimberley Payne is a former personal trainer who is passionate to help others achieve spiritual and physical well-being.
JumpStart is a daily, specific program covering ten days, long enough to create a routine to fit into your lifestyle. The author offers Scripture to meditate on, encouraging devotionals, advice for healthy eating, nutritious recipes, simple exercises and stretches, and a fill-in-the-blank PATH prayer model (praise, admit, thank, help).
Kimberley provides motivation and encouragement to improve fitness and faith. Her goal is to share how Bible study and prayer are to the spirit what healthy eating and exercise are to the body.
In JumpStart you’ll discover:
- A common sense plan to live a blessed, balanced week
- Simple cardio, strength training, and stretching exercises
- Delicious soup, salad, and smoothie recipes along with healthy eating tips
- Daily devotionals and easy ways to memorize Bible verses
- A new way to model your prayers in a manner pleasing to God
JumpStart is a great reminder of how to stay fit both physically and spiritually.
If you like practical books that motivate and inspire, then you’ll love this book that challenges you daily to make small changes. Buy JumpStart to take better care of your whole self today!
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Customer Reviews
By Donna Mann
I always need a jumpstart when I begin a project. It doesn’t matter if I’m baking a cake or beginning a novel. Kimberley Payne provided that for me in JumpStart: A Catalyst to Launch you into a Daily Spiritual & Physical Health Routine. When I saw that title, I knew having a catalyst would do it for me. So I began and never looked back. Kimberley provides motivation, Biblical reflection and hints of eating healthy. Put these three together plus her suggestions including good common sense and this book will make a difference in your life.
By Marcia Lee Laycock
A great little book to get you started. I liked the scripture used and the practical application.
Simple and practical
By TKrauss
This is a very practical book in that it combines simple exercises and other ‘healthful’ tips with scripture and it uses an easy to use format. Some of the ideas are ones that I have thought of or heard of before – but that doesn’t negate their validity. It is designed to help anyone make simple changes and it delivers on that promise.
A little shove in the right direction
By Kara Howell
Do you want to memorize verses and grow deeper in your prayer life? Perhaps you need some motivation to eat right and exercise but don’t have a lot of time to spend. This book is that little shove in the right direction that you need. It will help you memorize a verse a week, give healthy eating tips, encourage you to do specified exercises each day, and lead you on a path of prayer. This does not take much time and will Jump Start you on your way to spiritual and physical health.
By Lisa J. Lickel
JumpStart is based on the BEEP Model (B—Bible Study, E—Eating Healthy, E—Exercise, and P—Prayer). My hope is that you will get into the habit of taking small steps every day to improve both your spiritual and physical health.
JumpStart is a 2-week program, Monday to Friday
This book is a little different from the others in the Fit For Faith series which contain encouragement, explanation, personal goal-setting and strategy advice. It is a daily, specific program covering ten days, hopefully long enough to create a routine to fit into your lifestyle. The author offers a daily Scripture to meditate on, advice for a healthy eating habit, a specific exercise with a how-to, and a fill-in-the-blank PATH prayer model (praise, admit, thank, help).
In encouraging readers to continue the routine and support each other, the author offers a Facebook group, Pinterest page, an online registered challenge (free of charge).
Recommended for those who need a kick and a plan of attack to get into a routine of beneficial spiritual and physical daily exercise that fits your personal lifestyle.
JumpStart by Kimberley J. Payne
By Bruce Atchison
Do you need a catalyst to launch you into a daily spiritual and
health-conscious routine? Kimberley Payne’s concise e-book is designed to
prompt its readers to do things which will further you toward those twin
The book is divided into ten daily sections. These are dated Monday to
Friday with no readings on the weekends.
In a unique twist, Payne quotes Ephesians 3:16 during the first five days
with a different word missing from the quote each day. She does the same
with 3 John 2. This is so you can memorize the verses.
Along with the reading is a tip for healthy snacks or meals. Strangely
enough, I noticed that raw carrots weren’t suggested by the author as a
snack. Payne does warn not to eat meals at the computer or while watching
TV. That makes sense since it’s difficult to clean spilled food out of a
keyboard or carpet.
Payne includes an exercise to help you get your body into good shape. If the
exercise is too hard for you, Payne suggests substituting another one for
that day.
The author includes a prayer based on the P.A.T.H. model. P stands for
praise, A stands for admit, T stands for thank, and H stands for help.
The author based this program on the BEEP Model (B-Bible Study,
E-Eating Healthy, E-Exercise, and P-Prayer).
Payne warns that this is only a general fitness guide. The program is not
meant to replace a doctor’s dietary plan.
Fortunately, the spiritual help fits us all. Since we are the temple of the
Holy Spirit, we must maintain our physical and spiritual health.
In addition to this e-book, there is another benefit offered by the author.
If you’d like to continue for another two weeks, you will
get free, immediate access to the Jumpstart program. Visit
www.kimberleypayne.com/jumpstart/ to register. Also, check out the private
Facebook Group page at
www.facebook.com/groups/SpiritualAndPhysicalHealthChallenge/ where you can
share your questions, struggles, and triumphs Payne also encourages you to
visit www.pinterest.com/kimberleyjpayne/health-is-the-first-wealth/ often
for encouragement.
Kimberley Payne is a motivational speaker and writer. She has written about
raising a family, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and building a relationship
with God through everyday experience.
Helpful book
By Mindy Rose
How to have a balanced, blessed week…
Payne puts together a great synopsis of how to have a blessed, balanced week. Easy to read, I needed that reminder to not combine meals and screen time especially.
By Pearl
This little book is a good reminder of how to stay both fit, physically and spiritually.
By Brenda Wood
I found this book very helpful.
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