How This Gran Pointed Out God to Her Grands

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Lynne Collier with her grandchildren

An interview with Lynne Collier

Since becoming a grandmother in 2016, I have had an interest in nurturing the faith of my grandchildren.

Through this series, I want to learn — and share — what other grandparents are doing to intentionally pass on their Christian faith to the next generation.


Lynne Collier lives in Bowmanville, Ontario. She gave her heart to Jesus at three years old when her grandma, great aunt, and great uncle took her to church for the first time

Do you go to church? If yes, what denomination?

“My husband, son, and I were part of a satellite church when COVID hit. The main church was Sanctus, an Associated Gospel church (formerly C4) in Ajax. During the lockdown, I joined the online services. But later, as COVID dragged on, I began watching my son-in-law’s sermons from a church in Guelph. Since our son started going back to church, I’ve been following his chosen church online, Trulls Road Free Methodist in Courtice.”

How many grandchildren do you have?

“I have four grandchildren here and one in heaven.”

What do your grandchildren call you? Why?

“I’m called Gran by tradition. I was raised in England and our family always called our grandmothers ‘Gran’.”

What ages are your grandchildren?

“21, 19, 19, and 16.”

Did you raise their parents Christian? If so, what sorts of things did you do with them?

“We raised our children in faith. I took my two eldest to Sunday School, [starting at the ages of} two years old and three months old. Our son joined us at eight days old.

“We mostly listened to Christian music in the car and often at home. I read the Bible to them and bought them children’s Bible storybooks. The youngest also watched Veggie Tales on TV with us.”

What Christian traditions did you participate in with your children? Do you do the same with your grands (grandchildren)?

“We baptized our eldest two in England in the Baptist chapel we were married in. Our son was baptized in a different church. All three of them dedicated themselves to Christ when they were older.

“We also celebrated Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter at church. We said grace at the dinner table too.”

If you raised your children Christian, are they still practicing?

“Our eldest is married to a pastor, so she’s attended church often! Our middle child doesn’t attend, though she still has faith, her husband is not fully devoted. Our youngest goes to church most Sundays and is involved in Bible study and connect groups there.”

How do your children feel about you sharing your faith with their children?

“Our oldest two and their husbands were happy for us to talk with the grandkids about our faith. Our youngest will be too (he’s single).”

How do you share the Bible with your grandchildren?

“When the grandkids stayed with us for the weekend we took them to church and read Bible stories to them and said nighttime prayers.

“Talking about God was easy where we live. We’re surrounded by God’s beautiful creation. It was natural to point out everything that God had made.

“Now they’re older they mostly start a conversation themselves if they have a question about God or Christian values. They know they’re welcome to ask about anything.”

Do you have a favourite Bible verse specific to raising godly children?

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”~ Proverbs 22:6

What sort of activities/games do you do with your grandchildren to reinforce their faith?

“Now they’re older, not much. But I’m here if they want to visit and talk. As younger children, I’d play outside with them and sing Sunday School songs.”

How do you share prayer with your grandchildren?

“I taught them to pray the same as I taught their parents. Please in the morning and praise at night.

“Two of our grandchildren have had serious illnesses and have thanked us for our prayers. I also asked for prayer in my prayer groups, and the grandchildren expressed their thanks because they’ve seen prayers be answered many times.”

How do you pray for your grands?

“I pray for them now to make good decisions for their future, to choose friends wisely and not be led astray, to be of strong character when they’re faced with confrontation and respond with grace, and, when necessary, for God to intervene.”

Do you have a special bedtime or mealtime prayer that you say with your grands? If so, please share it here.

“When they were younger and we had a family gathering, their favourite grace was one from years ago when the oldest of our children went to camp. ‘Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yay God!’”

What suggestions/words of advice can you offer other grandparents?

“It’s difficult at times, but we need to not interfere with our children’s relationships with their partners or children.

“If your children give you instructions for babysitting, follow them even if you think they’re wrong. Trust God to give them the wisdom they need to raise their children. And give you the grace to watch with a smile.

“Always love them to bits and be lifting them in prayer. And remember to pray for their friends with them, too.”

What mistakes/words of caution can you offer other grandparents?

“Listen more than you speak when your adult child or grandchildren speak. We learn more about what they feel and what they need if we don’t jump in with advice. It’s best to wait until they ask for it. I’m still practicing this!”

Are there any resources that you would recommend to other grandparents?

“I’m out of the loop for the time being when it comes to smaller children, but I bought my granddaughter a devotional journal where she could learn to apply God’s Word to her life and pray about everything. I think middle-grade children need a safe place to write their thoughts down.”

Are you comfortable sharing a prayer here?

“Heavenly Father, thank you for adopting me and my children and welcoming us into your family. Show me how to be a good example of a woman of faith to my children and grandchildren. And keep us all in Your loving care. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Lynne Collier writes poetry, Christian fiction, and nonfiction. Her writing has been featured in the McMaster Divinity College journal “Poems for Ephesians.” Other works by Lynne have been published in two Hot Apple Cider books and Christmas Stories and More by the InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship. She also wrote her memoir, Raising Benjamin Frog — A Mother’s Journey with Her Autistic Son, and The Fellowship of The King, a geeky introspection on spiritual giftedness, which was co-authored with her son, Ben. Lynne also writes workbooks to help new authors in her White Rose Writers Etsy shop.

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