How is Baseball Like the Christian Life?

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My minister gave a sermon on how our life as a Christian is similar to a baseball game.

In baseball, there are three bases and a home plate. The goal is to hit a ball, and run to touch all successive bases before returning to home. Once home, your team scores a run.

As a Christian, the goal also is to reach each base and move on to the next one. At first base, we are called believers. This is where we first establish a relationship with God. At the heart of the gospel is the message of salvation. We can celebrate the new life we now have in Jesus Christ.

But we can’t stop there. We need to move on to second base where we are called worshipping believers. This is where we put Christ at the centre of our life. How do we know if we have moved on to second base and truly put Christ at the centre? Ask yourself a simple question,

“Where does my mind dwell when I’m not doing something I have to do?”

This question sat like a lead stone in my belly. I took some time to think about it. If I am not writing an article, adding an entry to my blog, or working on my notes, where does my mind dwell?

I have to be honest here; if I have no work that I absolutely must do, I find that my mind dwells on creating more work. My mind constantly returns to search for what I can do. What can I do to build a platform, to fill my resume, and to beef up my credentials? To be a worshipping believer means that I must put Christ at the centre of my life. He should be that which consumes me.

My minister continued to say that third base is where we become growing believers. This is where we apply God’s principles to our life. James 1:19-21 says,

“My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

Lastly, we arrive at home plate. Home is where we become serving believers. At this point, we become believers that make an impact with our life. The Book of James is one of my favourites in the Bible and James 2:17 provides another principle to live by,

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

I plan to strive to reach each successive base with the goal of home plate in mind.


To be a worshipping believer means that I must put Christ at the centre of my life. (tweet this)


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