How I Know There is A God

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Believing in God, knowing God and serving God are three separate and distinct things, but they build upon each other.

As I grew up in the faith, attended religion classes in school and went to church on Sunday, I always believed in God. Unlike some of my atheist and agnostic friends, I have always accepted and believed that there is a God. However, it was not until my early thirties that I came to know there is a God.

I had a personal experience in my very own living room that solidified my belief.

Writing in my journal as I do every morning, I felt overwhelmed with a sensation that I was underwater. I was breathing normal, but the outside world sounded muted and distant. Noises were quieted and even the colours in the room seemed dulled.

As I wrote, it felt as if someone was dictating to me and my writing took on a life of its own. They were not my own words, but rather words written to me. The message was simple yet profound, peaceful and powerful. The message was comforting. Overcome with emotion at both the feeling around me and the message to me, I broke down in tears. God told me that He was in control of my situation. I was not to fear, but to look to Him as my Provider.

After I had scripted the words, it felt as if the house drained of its water, the lawn mower across the street roared to life and the colour returned to the walls. I no longer only believed in God. I knew Him.

Then when I thought that my faith could not be taken any further, I realized that believing and knowing are not enough. I felt an urge and a need to serve.

Believing in God was my first step. Then I came to know Him. Now I seek to serve Him. (Tweetable)

And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? (Deuteronomy 10:12-14 NIV)


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