How a Near Miss Reminded Me to Prepare for the End of Times

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Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash

Jesus could return today

I proclaim this past snowmobile season as the best yet.

I can make such a bold statement because, as a passenger, I was able to sit back (literally) and enjoy the ride.

I love to watch the beauty of the landscape change as the trail winds through towering pine trees to open lakes to birch forests. I like to look for owls in the tree tops and moose in the woods.

I can expect to see at least one grouse at the side of the trail. On our recent trip, I also saw deer and wild turkeys on the trail.

But what I didn’t expect to see was a truck!

We rounded a bend and came face-to-front-bumper with a pick-up truck. The driver appeared as stunned as we were. Fortunately, my hubby is a skilled snowmobiler and maneuvered us around the vehicle.

It took a while for my heart rate to return to normal and I thanked God that we didn’t have a head-on collision with the large truck.

But my hubby wasn’t as shocked as me. His years of experience had prepared him to expect anything and everything on the trails.

He knew that this particular trail was a summer cottage road and held the possibility that a cabin owner may decide to drive on it in the off-season.

Hubby was prepared.

As we continued along the trail and I took in the beauty surrounding me, I started to think about the Second Coming. Jesus could return at any time. Am I prepared?

We don’t know when it will happen. All we know is that it will happen. And we need to be prepared. But how can we prepare for the end times?

I can boil it down to expectations. Don’t expect to know the exact date, while expecting it can be any day.

Jesus, Himself, does not know when the end of time will be.

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come” (Mark 13:32–33 NIV).

If someone claims that they have figured out the exact day and hour, it is safe to ignore them and carry on with your day.

But carry on with your day as if it was the day He will return. Live with eternity on your mind and continue to do what Jesus asked us to do; love God and love people.

And enjoy the season!

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