We had moved to Orillia. I knew no one. No family, no friends, no coworkers.
I saw an advertisement for a free gardening class during “Ladies Coffee Break” at the local church. They also offered free childcare.
My 3-year-old son and I walked to the class together that fateful Tuesday morning.
The following week they offered a class on cooking healthy foods. We attended once again.
The next week, they offered a guest speaker on jewelry making. We were hooked.
I fell in love with the blue-haired Dutch women and my son fell in love with the blond-haired little girl in the daycare.
But then they invited me to attend a small group Bible study. No previous Bible knowledge required.
“That’s good,” I thought because I didn’t even own a Bible.
I liked the social time and I liked the singing. I even liked the prayer. But a Bible study?
Before I could say no, a sweet woman took my hand and led me over to the sign-up sheet and encouraged me to attend with her.
I signed up.
Little did I know that that Bible study on forgiveness would be the catalyst to bring me back to God.
Each week felt like group therapy as I shared with the women the horrors of dealing with the disclosure of one of my children that they had been molested by a family member.
The women wrapped their arms around me, supported me, prayed for me, and helped me to move forward in my life. But most importantly, in my faith.
The Bible study opened my eyes to the importance of forgiveness. The need to forgive — not so the abuser could feel better — but rather for my own health; emotionally, physically and spiritually.
What started out as an outing to listen to a speaker on gardening, turned into a relationship with women who re-introduced me to Jesus.
I am eternally grateful for the Ladies Coffee Break ministry and the salvation it led me to.