Holy Habits

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Holy Habits

A 30-day Guide to Develop a Daily Prayer and Bible Study Habit

Do you need encouragement to get into a routine of praying and reading your Bible? Discover this guide that can help you to be more intentional in your spiritual life.

Are you looking for effective strategies to read scripture? Do you want to grow deeper in your prayer life? Have you backslid in your holy habits? Kimberley Payne believes in cultivating the habit of prayer and hiding God’s Word in your heart.

Holy Habits is a daily, specific guide covering 30 days, long enough to create a routine to fit into your lifestyle. The author offers Scripture to meditate on and a fill-in-the-blank PATH (Praise, Admit, Thank, Help) prayer model. By working through this guide, you will gain a renewed mind, strengthened faith, and a more authentic prayer life.

Kimberley provides motivation and encouragement to develop a deeper relationship with God. And now she’s here to share her strategies to transform your life too.

In Holy Habits you’ll discover:

Simple Bible study and prayer strategies to apply to your day
Encouragement in your Christian walk
A deeper relationship with the Lord
A new way to model your prayers in a manner pleasing to God
Strength to live out your faith each day

Holy Habits is a great resource that gives you confidence in your faith.

If you like faith-building books that motivate and inspire, then you’ll love this guide that challenges you daily to make small changes to strengthen your faith.

Buy Holy Habits to enrich and nourish your spiritual self today!


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Customer Reviews

by Diana Lea
​I chose this Holy Habits guide because I have spent many hours as a prayerful woman in the past, but I have gotten away from it. I am now ready to jump back in. Using this guide, I have indeed been encouraged that I can pick right back up where I left off. I would also recommend this guide to someone new to a written prayer journey.

The guide begins with a section about what prayer is, how simple it can be to meet with God in prayer, and the benefits of making prayer a habit.

The main part of the book has a two-page spread for each day. The first page gives us an opening prayer for the day. I felt the simple prayers offered brought people and situations to my mind to pray about in a heartfelt way. The PATH (praise, admit, thank, help) format gave such an easy way to remember to first acknowledge who God is and the wonders He does. My heart immediately softened. I found no problem filling out the section on seeking forgiveness for my sins, finding things to be thankful for, and lastly, requesting His help.

The second page of the day has a Bible verse to ponder and an invitation to journal. Familiar verses with simple truths brought a smile to my face and a release of peace to my heart. As someone reluctant to journal, I found these prompts did not repel me. I felt drawn in with a “Hey, I understand this verse! I do have some thoughts to put down here on paper.”

The author has also provided us with a summary page at the end of the 30 days to reflect on our journey. I have enjoyed this guide, and I am looking forward to other journals and studies by Kimberley Payne.

I received a copy of this book from the author through Interviews & Reviews. The opinions stated above are entirely my own.

Very practical
by T Krauss
This is a very practical tool. Each day contains prompts to help guide the reflection. However, it is also open-ended to allow for personal preference and can be used over and over again with a variety of Scriptures. It is not meant to be in-depth since there isn’t a lot of room on each page, so people who like to write a lot might find it restrictive. However, I believe it will be helpful for new Christians or people trying to develop the habit of prayer and studying God’s word. (As the title implies!)

by Melissa H.
A wonderful guide to help with developing a routine for Bible study and prayer. The book includes opportunities for personal reflection and inspiration. This is great to give as a gift, too. I received a complimentary copy of the book. No review was required.

Excellent book
by Tammy S.
This is a 30-day guide to study the bible. It is very good. A wonderful tool to guide you in learning the bible. Thank you, Kimberley, for sharing this with us.

Encourages a Daily Habit of Prayer
by Lynne Collier
I like the simple approach Payne teaches for learning and responding to prayerful prompts. Each day has a scripture verse and an outline for being mindful of how we connect with God—beginning with a small prayer.


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