Grand Faith

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Grand Faith
Words of Wisdom to Leave a Spiritual Legacy

Do you want to raise a godly generation and help your grandchildren grow in faith? Discover the wisdom and testimonies of Christian grandmothers who are passing on the love of God to the next generation.

Grand Faith brings together 25 inspiring interviews with grandmothers who are actively nurturing their grandchildren’s spiritual lives. Whether through prayer, teaching, or leading by example, these grandmothers demonstrate how intentional faith can transform not just their lives but also the lives of their grandchildren.

Compiled by Kimberley Payne, this heartfelt collection showcases the powerful role of grandmothers in shaping the faith of future generations.

In Grand Faith, you’ll discover:

  • Practical ways to intentionally pass on your faith to the next generation
  • Different approaches to being a spiritual guide for your grandchildren
  • Insights on how to make your walk with Christ a lasting legacy
  • Encouragement for grandmothers to be spiritual mentors in their families

This uplifting anthology is a call to action for grandmothers everywhere to actively sow seeds of faith, love, and hope into the hearts of their grandchildren. If you want to be inspired to help raise the next generation to know and follow God, this book is for you.

Buy Grand Faith today and be inspired to lead a life of intentional faith, passing on God’s love to your grandchildren!

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Customer Reviews

A Good Book for New Grandmothers
by Lynne Collier
I enjoyed reading how these grandmothers made a difference in the lives of their grandchildren. They taught them and encouraged them to trust in Jesus and to love as He loves. From different backgrounds and circumstances, these women show heartwarming examples of faith. Payne’s book would be a wonderful read for any woman and an excellent gift for any new grandma.

Inspiring Wisdom for raising a Godly family
by Lisa J. Lickel
Kimberley Payne’s latest addition to her lengthy repertoire of bite-size live-by-faith books, Grand Faith: Words of Wisdom to Leave a Spiritual Legacy, come from her experience of becoming a grandmother. She wanted to model her faith for her grandchildren, and reached out to other grandparents for inspiration.
With twenty-five interviewees responded to several questions about how they raised their own children, advice, caution, activities, favorite Bible verse and prayer.
Payne’s book is both a spiritual how-to and a call to action. She asks her readers to respond to her book and share your own grandparenting stories; to “create a community of wisdom and support.” What a wonderful rallying call.
My favorite pearls of wisdom include read God’s word with your biological or “adopted” grands especially age-appropriate Bible versions, pray with and for them constantly; always encourage them. don’t pretend you know everything, and realize you can’t be perfect.
One thing I missed was how the author chose these participants. Nevertheless, it’s a great group of special, inspiring women from Canada and the US who offer guidance and enthusiastic support for grandparents everywhere to lead a life worthy of our calling. The author includes a chart of favorite Bible verses and pages of resources to follow up. Grand Faith is a grand addition to your arsenal of faith. I believe parents and future parents would also find much to learn from in the pages.

by Melissa Henderson

A beautiful collection of life experiences and wisdom from grandmothers of different ages. I am blessed to have been interviewed for this book. When I read each page, I smiled and thanked God for grandparents. A great read. Wonderful to give as a gift. I received a complimentary copy of the book. No review was required.

Help Your Grandchildren Know God
by Sandra Kay Chambers
This book features 25 interviews with Christian grandmothers on how they seek to teach and model their faith to their grandchildren. The interview questions talk about their spiritual background growing up; their relationship with their grandchildren and how they share God with them. The book offers a wide variety of different experiences and perspectives to help grand parents be a godly influence in the lives of their grandchildren. This is not a book that one would read in one setting. It might be used as part of a daily time with God, reading one interview per day. The book can also be read when one needs practical encouragement as a grandmother. There are several links to helpful resources at the end of the book.

by Kris Cox
Grand Faith is a compilation of 25 grandparent’s situations and ideas for how to leave a spiritual legacy with their grandchildren. There are people from all different situations that have contributed and their ideas were insightful and fun to read. I enjoyed reading through the different recommendations that the people who were interviewed shared in the book. It’s a worthwhile read if you have grandchildren – I think you’ll find it helpful as you share your faith with your grandchildren.

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