Feed Your Spirit

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Feed Your Spirit

A Collection of Devotionals on Prayer

Do you want to get into the habit of prayer? Discover these devotions that can deepen your relationship with the Lord.

Are you facing challenges in your life? Do you desire a robust prayer life? Are you looking for confirmation that God hears your prayers? Kimberley Payne is a down-to-earth writer who shares her own real-life experiences and reminds others in simple ways to lean on God in prayer.

Feed Your Spirit is a short collection of devotionals on prayer. Each opens with a Scripture passage and closes with a quote on prayer. Each devotional is longer than your standard brief daily reading and explores an aspect of prayer. Kimberley shares everyday “stuff” and mixes it in with her personal faith journey. Without schedules and complicated formulas, Kimberley invites you into her world, where you look at lessons she has learned through all-too-common everyday experiences

By reading these reflections you’ll be feeling encouraged and strengthened in your faith.

In Feed Your Spirit you’ll discover:

  • Thought-provoking and comforting insights on prayer
  • Topics including prayer walking, gratitude, and hearing from God
  • The PATH (praise, admit, thanks, help) prayer model
  • Inspirational and uplifting stories with words of wisdom
  • Insights into scripture and the working of the Holy Spirit in your life

Feed Your Spirit can be used as a daily devotional but is short enough to be read in one sitting.

If you like stories that inspire and instruct, then you’ll love this book of insights on prayer. Buy Feed Your Spirit to help make your prayer life more real today!

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Customer Reviews

Highly recommended devotions!
by Debbie Ballard
Inspirational devotions include Bible verses, an uplifting story with words of wisdom, and an inspirational quote. Highly recommended and wonderfully written devotional book on prayer.

Uplifting Devotions
by Avid Mystery Reader
I enjoyed this short book as the stories really resonated with me. Very thought provoking and comforting. I will be looking for more of this author’s writings.

by readaholic
Very common sense about how to keep faith with God. It’s discouraging when you pray and feel that nothing is happening. These insights relate that God really hears our prayers and they will be answered.

Short and inspiring
by Jacqulin Pinder
I choose this rating because I love everything about this book . Short to the point ,full with lots of inspirational quotes and Bible verses .Will recommend to everyone especially those that don’t have much time to read.

Good thoughts on prayer
By Linda
A short book, but thoughtful insights on prayer. Good to read one per day or all at one time. Timely.

Four Stars
By B. Houston
Good book

By Laila M.
This is an easy book to understand. I enjoyed the thoughtful in site and bible verses attached to them. I read it anytime I needed encouragement.

By Yee
Thumb up

By Bill & Carriie Renfroon
Thank You

Encouraging words on the importance of prayer
By Janet Sketchley
Feed Your Spirit is a short collection of devotionals on prayer. Each opens with a Scripture passage, and closes with a quote on prayer. Each devotional is longer than your standard brief daily reading, and explores an aspect of prayer.

One that I most appreciated was the PATH method of prayer (Praise, Admit, Thanksgiving and Help). Topics also cover prayer walking, gratitude, hearing from God, and the question of “what if God’s answer is no?”

My favourite line reminds me that “Just as His mercies are new each day, His plan for me is new each day.” (Kindle location 296)

This collection of devotionals can be read one-a-day, or in one sitting.

By Mary Hosmar
For those who are wanting to or just getting into the habit of prayer, Kimberley J. Payne’s short devotional book is an instructive guide. Kimberley has gathered a number of previously published and new devotionals concerning the question of prayer and put them all together for easy access.

Prayer is not an easy subject to address. Kimberley, by allowing us into her life, has shown how prayer has affected her. By using her own, real-life experiences, she encourages the reader to depend on God for daily guidance and instruction while, at the same time, making it clear that this is a partnership, not a free hand-out. We ask, God hears and then guides us in our actions which often become the answers to our prayers.

I mentioned at the beginning of the review that this was a book of devotionals for beginning prayers. Those who have been praying for a longer time and have had their own experiences with God and prayer may find some of the devotionals a bit simplistic.

Although Kimberley does address some of the questions surrounding prayer, such as “Why isn’t God answering?”, this subject is too complicated and deep to be answered in a few short devotionals. Nevertheless, each devotional contains truths for everyone.
The book can be used as a daily devotional but is short enough to be read at one sitting.

Great for my devotionals each morning
By Amazon Customer

By j.r.on
The author has compiled a series of devotionals that all have the subject of prayer. I think she has some interesting things to say on the subject.

By Larry B. Gray
Feed Your Spirit by Kimberley J. Payne is an excellent collection of devotionals on prayer. I totally enjoyed this book and found it very helpful.

I have read a lot of books on prayer and praying but this book is one of the short books on prayer I have found. Kimberley J. Payne did an excellent job of developing the stories and themes of the book. I found them easy to follow and understand.
Most importantly I found the book to be helpful. It will help to build and make my prayer life more real.

I really enjoyed Feed Your Spirit by Kimberley J. Payne and I highly recommend this book.

By Karen L
I really enjoyed the devotional – thanks again for sending it to me. I used it as a spiritual checklist for my prayer life and appreciated your vulnerability and the examples and symbols you provided within it.

By Sheila S.
Just read through this wonderfully simple book. Without schedules and complicated formulas, Kimberley invites us into her world, where we look at lessons she has learned through all-too-common everyday experiences These have shaped and expanded her prayer life, and are so easy to relate to that this read cannot help but be of benefit.

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