When I was a child I owned a mood ring. I wore it on occasion and watched the colour change from amber to deep purple to black. Inevitably it always landed on black and stayed there. But it didn’t always reflect my actual mood as the colour black suggested I felt stressed or anxious.
But it did reflect how often my mood changed. And it still does. Simple things can alter my mood from one extreme to another.
As I drive to work, I can feel grateful as I pray, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” But within the same breath, I can feel sorrow over the passing season when I spot a tree shedding its red and orange leaves.
I can feel glee as I drive past a herd of cows and witness a calf running and kicking up its heels. And then awe as I catch a glimpse of an osprey with a branch in its beak.
My moods change as I listen to the news and feel deep anguish over the death of a hit-and-run victim. But then I’m motivated by the story on the “good news patrol” of a boy saving his mother from drowning.
The weather affects my mood. Hormones affect my mood. Sugar and caffeine affect my mood.
In a blink of an eye, my moods can move from anger to anticipation, fear, joy, disgust, trust, sadness, or surprise.
This got me thinking. If I’m made in the image of God, does He suffer from mood swings too?
Through my Bible study, I’ve learned that God has emotions but they aren’t the same as ours. God’s emotions are never tainted by sin and can never lead to sin. His emotions are rooted in His holy nature and His compassion, sorrow, joy, love, and anger are all expressions of His perfect deity.
God doesn’t have mood swings. His love and mercy don’t change. God always hates evil and sin. Unlike me, God’s moods are not swayed by outside circumstances.
It’s comforting to know that God has emotions but also that He is not controlled by them like we are. I’m eternally grateful that if God were to wear a mood ring, He’d be the One making the colours change according to His will.