Can Generational Curses Be Broken?

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And how does that affect the nature versus nurture debate?

I first learned of the power to break a generational curse in 2001. I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and spent hours in prayer and reading my Bible.

I met two women at my weekly Bible study who became my best friends and mentors. We all had young children and met often for playdates. We’d talk over tea as our kids played together.

Many times our discussions treaded into topics of family. I shared with my friends my Dutch heritage and how I lamented the fact that I inherited my dad’s face and my mom’s body. I also had my dad’s sweet tooth, and my mom’s love of all things salty.

My friends agreed that I not only inherited these physical characteristics but heredity also influenced my spiritual traits. My spiritual life was influenced by the generations before me.

Generational influences can pass from generation to generation. They can be positive (blessings) or negative (curses). Generational blessings may be something like a strong work ethic, business acumen, or financial wisdom. A generational curse may be something like greed, abuse, alcoholism, mental illness etc.

I worried that my own children may inherit their biological father’s abuse of alcohol or my Attention Deficit Disorder. I shared that although I graduated with a business degree, I took many psychology courses and wondered about the nature (genetics) versus nurture (environment) debate.

I thought about how much the genes and inherited attributes my kids were born with would affect them versus their environmental attributes (like my parenting style) and surrounding culture.

That was when my friends shared with me that as fascinating as the debate between nature and nurture is, ultimately God has the last word. Although different people of different generations within a family may struggle with the same issue, God can overcome any attributes passed down. He can bring victory and deliverance and break us free from generational curses.

Our life can be dramatically changed through belief in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer.

The good news is that spiritual deliverance is available to anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. We can pray over ourselves, our children, and grandchildren. An example of such a prayer is:

Dear Lord, thank You that curses passed through generations can be broken through faith in the blood of Christ. I put my faith in this. I believe that Jesus’ shed blood cancels the curse.

I confess I have sinned and pray that You bind the curse of (name the sin) and break it off me and my family by the blood of Jesus.

I reject it and declare that it has no power over me or my family.

I forgive those who have hurt us and the pain they have caused.

I claim Your promises for me and my family. I pray a healthy physical and spiritual legacy for my family.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.

I believe that both nature and nurture factors play a critical role in who my children are and who they will become.

But more importantly, I believe God has the last say and can break any ancestral curses passed down through the generations.

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