Do the Scriptures Prove Jesus As Messiah?

What Jesus may have said on the road to Emmaus The entire Christian faith relies on the truth of Jesus’ Resurrection. I can only imagine the jubilation the disciples and followers of Jesus must’ve felt on encountering the risen Lord … Continue reading

Will Unbelievers Be Given a Second Chance?

Will people still have time to repent after the rapture? Years ago, I read the Left Behind Series by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. The entire series captivated me as it outlined what may occur during the last days. They based … Continue reading

What Does It Mean to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?

What role does the Holy Spirit play in a Christian’s life? Years ago, I attended a Christian women’s retreat at a beautiful resort in the Muskokas. The weekend event focused on discovering God’s call on our life. I went away refreshed … Continue reading